Benefit Silo • Frontend Developer
2022.12 - 2024.02
• MAU 700만 혜택탭 고도화 • 사용자에게 혜택을 제공하는 만보기, 라이브 쇼핑 보기, 행운복권, 버튼누르기 등의 서비스 개발 • 송금 후 배너 DA, 영상광고(혜택탭 상단, 만보기 영상광고)등 Display Ads 제품 개발
Crypto-X team • Software Engineer
2021.08 - 2022.12
• aFan - SNS Platform for artist and fans using blockchain • afan Tiniverse - building metaverse platform with AI NFT & integrate on afan(SNS) service. Working as a product owner and designed overall architecture. • Ainize web renewal - frontend develop, develop a design system(using storybook) • Soul Fiction Project - Generate 15,000 NFTs(SoulLink) using Generative Art, develop event web page and participate marketing in ETHDenver2022 • Moderate dev study(clean code, programmatic programmer)
Maps Mobile • Software Engineer Intern
2021.03 - 2021.08
• Mobile-Based Personal Preference Modeling projects • Naver Maps log data with EDA (Exploration Data Analysis) • Develop a POI(Point Of Interest) recommendation model based on user click & search log
KAIST Interaction Lab is a human-computer interaction research group in the School of Computing at KAIST. • Undergraduate Research Intern
2020.09 - 2021.02
• Designing Human-AI Interaction Guidelines for Supporting Designer-Developer Communication (with Samsung Research) • Samsung Research Industry-University Cooperation Project Final Presentation Presenter
DLab(Startup Team)
A startup team started by two medical students, designer, and developers to solve the discomfort felt from the practical experience in the medical school. • Developer
2020.08 - 2020.10
• Build the app for ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorder) children "mon-ami" using Java + XML + Google Firebase as a lead developer • Samsung Digital Health Hackathon 2020 -